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"You've reached the interview stage for a job that could be your dream role and advance your career."
The interview is an opportunity to see if this is a potentially good partnership for you and the employer, but in order to achieve that goal you need to prepare to success and watch out for the potential red flags.
How to Prepare for a successful interview
- Research the Company: Look up reviews on sites like Glassdoor – check the company’s social media presence and read any news articles about them.
- Research the people interviewing: Check them out on LinkedIn – they will be checking you out!
- Prepare Questions: Have a list of questions ready about the role, company culture, career progression, and management style. Values are really important to understand – understand your values and do the companies align to yours.
- Listen Carefully and take notes: Pay attention to how the interviewer asks questions to you and then answers your questions. Are they being transparent and detailed, or are they evasive? Did they allow you to explore further or close you down?
- Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off during the interview, don’t ignore it. Your gut feeling can be a valuable indicator.
And here are my suggested five warning signs to watch out for during an interview.
1. Lack of Clarity About the Task and Role
Example: The interviewer gives vague or inconsistent answers about job and its tasks.
What It Reveals: This could indicate that the role is poorly defined, which might lead to confusion and frustration. Important to understand the outcomes that they are looking for you to deliver and for you to feel confident that they are achievable.
2. High Turnover Rate
Example: The interviewer mentions that the position has been filled multiple times in a short period.
What It Reveals: A high turnover rate can suggest issues such as poor management, lack of career growth opportunities, a badly defined role or a toxic work environment.
3. Negative Comments About Current or Former Employees
Example: The interviewer speaks negatively about current or former employees.
What It Reveals: This might indicate a negative company culture or a lack of respect for employees, which can be a red flag for a toxic workplace. But it might be that the interviewer has had a bad experience with the previous person who held the role.
4. Unprofessional Behaviour
Example: The interviewer is late, unprepared, or distracted during the interview.
What It Reveals: This could reflect the overall professionalism and organisation of the company, suggesting potential issues with management and company culture.
5. Avoidance of Your Questions
Example: The interviewer avoids answering your questions about salary, benefits, or company culture.
What It Reveals: This might indicate that the company has something to hide, such as poor compensation, lack of benefits, or a negative work environment.
By being prepared and observant, you can better identify potential red flags and make a more informed decision about whether the job is the right fit for you. An interview should be a great opportunity to start a new productive partnership. Try and enjoy it!
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